Toddler Trainer Iphone App

Our first iPhone App is out. It’s a fun and entertaining app made for the iphone or ipod touch. It is geared for toddlers ages 1 year to 3 years. The features a fun way for toddlers to learn shapes, letters, numbers, and objects. Fun interactive games will reward your toddler for guessing correct shapes.

You can download the this toddler app for just .99 cents. Best dollar you will ever spend. Snag it now in the Apple App Store via:

Toddler Trainer
kids iphone app


  1. In the app store is standing that the game is in dutch also, how can i change this?

  2. Purchased the in app upgrade and it failed to update. Have uninstalled multiple times but the restore does nothing but make me login again and the purchase again says I already purchased but it hasn’t been downloaded. Anything else to try? My son really likes this app. Thank you!

  3. I purchased the upgrande but it won’t download . It’s exactly as Dave said on the commit above.

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