Top 5 Best Professional Digital Cameras

So I’ve been getting into photography lately, and have just recently purchased a entry-level-pro camera. I did extensive research on multiple sites trying to figure out what camera would give me the best bang for the buck.

These 5 cameras here are obviously not the most expensive and feature packed, but excellent digital cameras for under a $1000 dollars.

My first choice is a camera that I bought from newegg for $799.00 a week ago. Now it’s $725!

1. Nikon D80 – info from

2. Canon 400d (Digital Rebel xti) – info

3. Pentax k10d info

4. Nikon d40x info

5. Canon eos30D info

Remember that it’s not the camera thats going to take the perfect photo, but the photographer. If your budget is tight, go with the nikon d40x, or the canon Digital Rebel, and spend the extra money you would have spent on a more expensive body on a more expensive lens.

Remember: A high quality lens and cheap body will take much better pictures than a cheap lens with a high quality body.

Category: General

- August 6, 2007


  1. D40x? Why? Go with the D40 instead. The 10MP is meaningless versus the 6MP, save some money and invest in the lenses you want.

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